Monday, December 6, 2010

The Possibilities of "Going Global"

In the Interior Design Industry, there are endless job possiblities. This is largely due to the fact that design has gone global. With today’s technology, Designers can design a space and not even be there to experience it. Programs,  like AutoCad, make this possible. With these programs, we can actually experience a space without being there.

For example: A client in France wants to renovate his million dollar home. Sure he could get a designer in France to do it, but he was so impressed by an article he read online about you and he has decided that he must have you. How are you going to go about this?
Option 1- put off all other jobs here in the states and take an indefinate vacation in France to have the luxury of surveying the building and getting a feel for the atmosphere in person
Option 2- you request the original floor plans for the building, pictures, and anything that could possibly be sent digitally that would help you design the space. You would then use your computer programs to design the space, and the internet to do any case studies that may be relevant to the project.
It is crazy to some to think that you could easily design a place and never be there, but we do it all the time on the computer! Even projects that we are working on for school are like that….we have never been there! But somehow we make it work.

This globablization design process allows for endless possibilities and connections with people all over the world. It can be used to learn about each other and how we can work together to improve design all over the world.